Where is that song?
Prediction was right timing was wrong.
When half the world hates the other half
Who would believe this stuff?
I believe the hatred is 90 per cent
Not in 2525
Whether you fly or dive
It is 90 per cent
And the other 10 has no consent
They just don’t have any resistance
No persistence or guts or insistence
They just drive
A wave to thrive
It won't matter they smash who
They have no taboo
They are worse than the rest
Because those spit out their honors and rest
And what we do?
Nothing!Just forget.
Just watch when it comes to an end
Who is gonna bend, fend, rend
And who’s gonna stay till the end
The End!
This no one will see
Deads cant see
Religions, politics, money!
You see honey?
Its all about damn money!
Look me in the eyes
Americans, Persians, Europeans, Chinese, Turks, Arabs, Jews, Christians, Muslims Buddhists
Communists, Socialists, Capitalists
All of you brothers and sisters
And tell me this is not funny.
What happened to your ancestors?
Where are they and where is their money?
Their damn money.
Nations raised and vanished
Powers nourished and lavished
Greedily conquered over and won
Then just melted and gone.
No trace except history which we manipulate
Just to keep the hate.
Roll on and on
From generation to generation
This is the ugly foundation
To hate you and to hate me.
This is the question now
No more To be or not to be
In the end
Sympathy is what we need
My friend
Sympathy is what we truly need.
Sami Cherkaoui
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